

Hi there! I know it had been a very long time since I wrote my last post. I had been so busy with my study life till I forgot about my years blog diary I may called. Well hello everyone! Today I'm gonna write about my new business.

Yessss new business! I name my baby business as NUR QALISSA SCARVES. *smile*

We offered variety of colours!! && coming soon would release limited printed shawl and instant shawl terbaru! For the next batch instant shawl is different and limited! Even the printed also limited because I choose the best pattern so far. Well, I am very particular with my design. 

The price? Of course the price are reasonable and affordable! Yes, we use a very high material of quality chiffon. & Jahitan tudung tu we used baby seam! Jahitan yang sangatlah kemas. Before this I ada defect sikit pun I tak puas hati and ask them untuk jahit semula. Haah I cerewet sikit. 

The model? HE HE HE. I mixed it. Thank you so much to my pretty model because make time for me. And after some time, me myself become the model because my model busy with their study too.

Okay here we go. How to purchase my shawl? Easy! Pergi dekat my instagram at nurqalissa. And then follow. Dan lepastuuu serbu!  

Thank you for reading! ;)

Paris Yay Paris

Lama rasanya menipu cakap nak update tapi tak ter update. Cerita Paris ini pun rasanya dah expired lamanya. Next year March plannya nak pergi Scotland pulak tapi ikut ayah lah ye nak bawak ke idok.

This is the best experience ever because my dream comes true. The place that everyone's dream to come yes Paris yes! Actually kena cerita pergi tempat sebelum Paris tapi lompat. Kami pergi naik train that they called it as EuroTunnel. Ok Euro tunnel ni train yang memuatkan kereta. Cool kan? Malaysia please do this.

See? Cool right? And this EuroTunnel bring us to Paris. And it doesnt take so much time to go there.
Boleh sahaja nak naik flight terus ke Paris tapi all this experience you can never feel.
Dah sampai sana dah malam jadinya terus cari tempat tidur.

So comfy! Now I miss Paris gah!
Okay actually keesokan pagi pergi Disneyland Paris tapi lompay dulu ye cerita ke Eiffel Tower. Next update cerita pasal Disneyland. 

Bawah Eiffel Tower. There's a lot of people there. Memang serabut. Beratur pepanjang gilos nak naik Eiffel Tower.

Waktu dah sampai atas :) Subhanallah lawa sangat. Feeling blessed. Thank you for this.
Temperature sejuk okay waktu tu. Kalau tak, tak ada lah aku pakai sweater macam tu tebal.

View from top of Eiffel Tower.

Here we go. With their security force. Waktu kami disini ada demonstration. So memang ramai gila orang and ramai gila polis. But there were sporting. Ayah cakap nak tangkap gambar then mereka terus smile. Pssst dekat tangan dah mula shopping beg hahahaha. Thank you ayah. Bag worth RM 200+ Oh one more thing beg dekat atas Eiffel Tower tu mahal okay jadinya kalau nak shopping beli dekat bawah tu je kahkahkah.

Lepas turun tu kami pergi jauh sikit untuk dapat view Eiffel Tower. Now here's the picture.

Only Allah's know how much I miss them. Time, please fast!! 
Okay dah habis cerita pasal Eiffel Tower. Kami pun bertolak balik ke pengkalan Ferry. Kami bertolak cepat sebab takut jammed and terlepas ferry. 

Kalini kereta naik ferry. And once again a lil bit suprised! Ayah's the best father in the world. Naik ferry ingat kena duduk dalam kereta sementara sampai. Rupanya naik atas macam hotel 5 bintang.

Okay semua ni adalah dalam Ferry siap ada shopping complex. Perfect right? Thank you ayah dan mak for this. Maybe this is the perfect get away after all the suffering from missing them. 

Pipi sangat kembong. Hahahahaha ini semua hasil masakan mak. Tapi bila balik Malaysia dah kurang kembong. Okay inshaAllah next post pasal Disneyland Paris. Banyak lagi cerita tak tulis. Amsterdam, Bath, Holland. Entah rajin entah tak. 

London Trip for the Second Time.

I don't remember on what date that we go to the London. Because it was my last semester break. So here we go! Dua minggu lepas baru je balik dari London berjalan-jalan. Thank you ayah. Pergi ke sana dengan menaiki kereta. But then, park at the mall and take the train to London. Berbeza sikit dengan sebelum ni. Sebelum ni berjalan ke London menaiki kereta.

Orang berangan nak kereta macam ni -.-"

Ini waktu dekat mall baru lepas parking kereta. 

Klasik mesin jahit. Wow!

Ayah tak pernah reti senyum bila tangkap gambar. Aiyo! Ini dekat restaurant Penang!

Now dekat stesen train mereka. Sampai sekarang tak faham macam mana train ni punya process. Sebabnya train dia bertingkat-tingkat. Pening kepala. Waktu jalan tu, hanya ikut jelah mak and ayah. Malas ok nak fikir mana jalan dia semua. 

Memandangkan aku pun taktahu jalan dekat train tu. Maka jangan lah tanya aku mana stesyen aku turun ni. Sesungguhnya aku keluar je stesen nampak tempat ni. Hahahaha. Dont ask me. Sebab aku hanya ikut haluan mak dan ayah.

 Bajet je jalan dengan omputeh tu kahkahkah. 

Waktu kami sampai sini, manusia bukan main ramai lagi. Waktu dulu taknak pulak kau datang kan. Bak kata mak, maybe faktor cuaca. Dulu waktu aku datang, nak berjalan pun terketar2 sejuk. Sekarang bukan main lagi. Boleh singlet je pakai. huhu

Lepastu kitorang nak pergi dekat sebelah London Bridge tu. Tempat yang orang selalu tangkap gambar tu untuk nampak bangunan London Bridge. Ada ke patut dorang nak jalan kaki dari Eye of London tu sampai London Bridge. Adoiii nak kematu kaki ni kalau berjalan. Aku ni dah la obes. Nak ajak berjalan. Memang takla. 

Ada gambar mak haruslah ada gambar bersama ayah jugak. Big boss bawak jalan2 keliling London. Tanpa beliau, tak kemana la kami. Ha sambung balik. Lepas jalan punya jalan. Kaki aku dah rasa nak tercabut. Last2 pujuk punya pujuk, sambung naik train. Huhuhu. Happy sgt! Yela dorang kurus murus boleh la jalan. aku ni tak dapat nye. takdapat!

Gambar couple ini haruslah selalu ada di setiap post. Hehe.. Mak dan ayah. 

Gambar bersama adik tercinta haruslah ada. Walaupun waktu ni gambar aku ni selekeh gila. Tapi demi adik tersayangggg ni, haruslah ada. Hehe. 

Family. (without my beloved kakngah and abang ;( )

Candid photo. Baru lepas makan fish and chip. Nak carik makanan halal memanglah susah. Makanya, mak akan bawak makanan sendirik. Hahahahaha. Safe. Dekat sini pepandai lah korang hidup. Makanan halal kena carik. Solat pulak jangan harap ada tempat khas untuk solat. Korang solat lah dekat tepi jalan mahupun dimana pun yang bersih. 
So, memang tak ada alasan tak solat ye wahai rakyat Malaysia. 

Adik, aku dan mak. Mak was being so sporting. hihi
 And for the last picture. This is me, mom and ayah. last picture before balik. Sangat penat. Tapi ayah should be more tired actually. Penat kot drive semua. Mak jadi penunjuk arah. Thank you mak dan ayah for this fantastic tour to London. Heeee :)

Esok nye kami ada flight ke Amsterdam. Berjalan di Holland. Holland was my father and mothers' place 20 years ago. Masa zaman ayah mak muda. Waktu tu ayah kerja di sana. So insha Allah next post will be about Amsterdam. Amsterdam was a very nice place! Tak nyesal kalau datang. Serious talk. hihi

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